silence, I walk your sacred ground
Beneath the bough of birch and pine,
To a world you guard courageously
so far away from mine.
There is wisdom in your watchful gaze;
You stand undaunted by my stare,
With truth resounding from your spirit
Through the night winds, like a prayer.
You sense my footsteps gather closer
And question, should you remain?
Will you survive the presence
Of this stranger, uninvited to your domain?
I marvel at your beauty
And cry as you slowly leave
With a call from your soul pleading,
" Let my wild heart run free ".
Soaring Spirit, ©2002
Bring Harm To Nature Is To Condemn One's
Self ".
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The fabulous midi is composed by ©Elan
entitled, Earth and Sky and used with his
permission. You may visit is wonderful
site HERE.