Growing
Old
The
days
grow
shorter,
the
nights
grow
longer;
the
headstones
thicken
along
the
way;
and
life
grows
sadder,
but
love
grows
stronger
for
those
who
walk
with
us
day
by
day.
The
tears
come
quicker,
the
laugh
comes
slower;
the
courage
lesser
to
do
and
dare;
and
the
tide
of
joy
in
the
heart
falls
lower,
and
seldom
covers
the
reefs
of
care.
But
all
things
in
the
world
seem
truer,
and
the
better
things
of
earth
seem
best,
and
the
friends
are
dearer,
as
friends
are
fewer,
and
love
is
all
as
our
sun
dips
west.
Then
let
us
clasp
hands
as
we
walk
together,
and
let
us
speak
softly
in
low
sweet
tone,
for
no
man
knows
on
the
morrow
whether
we
two
pass
on
.
.
.
or
but
alone.
by:
Ella
Wheeler
Wilcox
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