Upon the threshold of dreams...
I have glimpsed the traces
of distant places.

Fragments of a forgotten past...
beckon down a shadowed path
to fabled cities beyond the sea,
of legendary lands
hemmed with guardian trees
that wind 'round an ancient island green
with fertile valleys and meandering streams.

Here I follow a familiar path
beyond the gate-way door,
through hallowed groves, aeons old,
'neath skies where ravens soar.

No clue of memory led me on,
yet, well the way I knew,
past enchanted willow and ruined stone
that skirt these hills, I walk alone,
to the faint, melodic echo
of mystic music from the meadow,
luring me down dew-drenched glade,
when through glittering haze,
I pause to gaze...
upon the emerald gates of Avalon.

 ~~by Soaring Spirit
©Feb., 2003



The beautiful midi is by composer ©Bruce DeBoer and is used
with his permission.  It is entitled The Rainbo.

All content on this page is ©Crown of Creation