Sweet spirit of flight...
You came to me frightened and alone,
unable to return to your family...
and I wept for you.

So tender was your plaintive call,
that longed for your home
 within the arms of the forest..
and I prayed for you.

With faith, I held you near;
your gentle spirit close to mine,
until I could set you free...
because I loved you.

And as you flew away,
filling the skies with your beauty,
into the shelter of the trees,
you sang for me...
and the music touched my heart.

For the miracles of St. Francis


©SS ~ Dec., 2001




Painting used is by artist ©Josephine Wall and retains her full copyright. 

By composer ©Bruce DeBoer and retains his full copyright.  It is entitled 
Sweet One.

All content on this page is ©Crown of Creation