Distant voices calling...
Summon visions of celtic dreams,
From a forgotten land
Of meade and mirth,
Alive! through shades of green.

Druid's breath of wisdom;
Held thinly over time,
Evokes memories spun
With silver thread;
Tapestries woven, in my mind.

Ancient myths and legends,
guarded well within the walls
Of great castles, built
where blood was spilt;
Song and story fill the halls.

Carolan's harp plays softly
with melodic, dulcet tones;
His airs entice all
" Come forth and dance;"
Through chambers made of stone.

Great tables set before me;
Bonfires blazing in the field;
The Bard's verses echoed,
From a distant age
Of Armor, sword and shield.

Secrets lie here....waiting,
Carried high on ravens wing;
The veil lifted...
To another world,
From the land of celtic dreams.


~ Soaring Spirit ~

"I have danced beyond the threshold to find forgotten dreams and lands; I rhyme the stars by moonlight, as visions guide my hand."

~ SS ~

Please note that this page is dedicated to the memory of The Bard, Turlough O'Carolan, who's gift of music has brought the world a constant source of pleasure and inspiration.  Please visit his wonderful site here.






The wonderful midi is an example of an ancient song entitled Captain O'Kane.
This great arrangement and performance is supplied courtesy of Lesley Nelson
also known as The Contemplator.  Visit the FOLK MUSIC site here.


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