" We will not waiver,
We will not tire,
We will not falter,
And we will not fall."
President Bush

On September 11, 2001,
Thousands of Americans lost their lives.
Our hearts were wounded,
Our lives shattered,
Our complacency shaken.

But never, even in our darkest hour
Was the bright spirit of America broken.

Together we rallied and prayed.
Together we comforted
the grieving hearts.

Our tears flowed together
As we mourned our loss
And the world wept with us.

Together we offered our food,
shelter, money, our love and our blood.
Together we took a stand
To defend our freedom.

Together we will heal.
Together we are one indivisible nation.
Together we are America.

~ Soaring Spirit ~

We Will Never Forget

Although the moments
within a year
may swiftly drift away,

The memory lingers
in our minds
of that tragic day.

And through our sorrow
We ask for strength
from God in heaven above,

To comfort our hearts
through these painful days
and shelter us with love.

God Bless Us All

~Soaring Spirit~



This beautiful midi file, titled "Alleluia", is from

 Mountain Retreat's Christian Midi Music Page!.

All content on this page is ©Crown of Creation