is but a whisper
between the heart and soul;
The divine emotion
that makes us whole.
It is the purpose of our being
as we endure life's quest;
A perpetual light,
in our search for happiness.
It is a regenerating energy
transmitted through thought or deed,
that transforms our fears
with germinating seeds
of mercy and compassion,
understanding and peace.
It creates alchemy for change,
each time we embrace another's heart;
A miraculous redemption
for whatever life imparts.
It is the guiding force
bestowed from heaven above;
It is the ultimate power
of eternal love.
by Soaring Spirit, ©2002
are each of us angels
with only one wing,
and we can only fly
by embracing one another."
~ Luciano de Crescenzo ~
"Love many things,
for therein lies the true strength,
and whatsoever loves much,
can accomplish much,
and what is done in love is done well."
~ Vincent Van Gogh ~